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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Rare a Possession

“Sometimes it seems we take the scriptures too much for granted because we do not fully appreciate how rare a thing it is to possess them, and how blessed we are because we do have them. We seem to have settled so comfortably into our experiences in this world and become so accustomed to hearing the gospel taught among us that it is hard for us to imagine it could ever have been otherwise. . . .“We need to sense something of the depth of the spiritual darkness that prevailed before that day in the spring of 1820 when the Father and the Son appeared to Joseph Smith—a darkness which was foreseen by the prophet Nephi and described as ‘that awful state of blindness’ in which the gospel was withheld from man.”
Spencer W. Kimball, “How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures!” Ensign, Sept. 1976, 2

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